Dear Parents,
On behalf of those here at Vista Lakes Elementary School, it is my pleasure to welcome those of you joining our school family and welcome back our families that are returning! I am looking forward to getting to know each of you and your children throughout our time together. During the 2018-2023 school year, I have seen the dedication that our families, staff and community have to the education of our children and that makes this a great place to be! Vista Lakes is a school committed to helping students achieve success, in the classroom and in the community. We have a faculty that is professionally skilled and personally committed to meeting the learning needs of all students, a student body which is motivated to perform well and parents that actively support our school community.
I will be contacting you with information regarding events and happenings at our school in a variety of ways, including a weekly Connect Orange phone call. If there are attachments to accompany my call, they will be sent via email and these together will be my primary means of communicating information about school events and programs taking place. It is very important that the office has the most current contact information and is made aware of any changes that may occur during the year.
As we partner with you in your child’s education, safety and a focus on academics are our top priorities at Vista Lakes. For arrival, please note that we do not have staff supervision prior to 8:15 and students not enrolled in the YMCA should not be on campus before this time. In addition, having your child here on time for the start of the school day, in regular attendance, and scheduling appointments before and after school hours allows us to offer a consistent academic experience for each student.
Finally, I want to encourage all parents to get involved! Our next monthly PTA and School Advisory Council (SAC) meeting will be coming soon. We would love for parents to attend and share their ideas. Look for more information in upcoming newsletters and on our website. I am honored to serve as the principal of Vista Lakes Elementary School. It is truly a privilege to be a part of the lives of your children. Please feel free to contact me KRISTY VIRGINIA KEY, at 407-207-4991.